What is Multifactor authentication (MFA) and how to use a Yubikey on FreeBSD for Web and PAM (Local, SSH, etc.) authentication

27 Jul 2019 - tsp
Last update 31 Jul 2019
Reading time 13 mins

What is multifactor authentication

Multi factor authentication is a method to increase the probability that someone who is authenticated (i.e. who is asserting that he represents or owns a given identity) is really the one who he is claiming to be.

Most of the time users are authenticated via a single factor like a password and identified by some publically knowable method like a username or mail adress (one can also use biometry for identification - but not for authentication!). The main risk with using only a password - which basically is a secret a person knows - is that this password might be stolen and might in the worst case be used on more than one service (note that this is a bad idea anyways). In this case anyone could claim that he is in fact the given entity.

One can use different ways of claiming identity:

One can combine an arbitrary amount of factory. Today most of the time two or three factors are used - hence the names two factor authentication (2FA) or three factor authentication / 3D secure (3FA). One has for example to proof one’s identity by using a username and password as well as an posession token.

Today sometimes mobile phones are used as security tokens to proofe that someone is capable of receiving SMS or that one has an App installed. Beware that SMS is nearly always redirectable via the mobile networks phone protocol (they are totally public and insecure), that there is SIM swap fraud, that people at the mobile provider can always gain access to the SMSC and read or redirect your SMS, etc. (there is a long history of attacks against banks or other large online services that rely on SMS for authentication). Also security apps cannot provide the security they claim - since mobile phones have really broad attack surfaces and most of the time people do insecure stuff on them (having JavaScript enabled in their browsers, installing third party Apps, etc.) and most phones having at least physical sidechannels that one can use they can never provide any way of security.

One should either use smartcards (see the article about TAN methods for more detail) or hardware tokens (TOTP/HTOP, U2F tokens, Yubikeys in offline mode, etc.) as a posession factor. Another way would be to use keyfiles (like one does for SSH or GPG most of the time).

What are Yubikeys / U2F tokens

Yubikeys or U2F tokens in general are hardware bearer tokens. They encapsulate a private and public key pair that’s used as a root source for derived keys. U2F is the general standard that is implemented by many such tokens and webauthn is the name of the API used by webservices. U2F uses a different key for each different service - since they are derived from the root key there can be an infinite amount of services that use the U2F hardware key. Since each service gets to use a different key the user cannot be recognized as being the same by different services - since not knowing who a key belongs to if it’s lost and with which services it’s used these keys also have no markings or serial numbers when being delivered. They cannot be identified by being read out (the root keypair is not readable) and also the derived keys are not extractable from the device. All authentication is done using a challenge response mechanism by which the authenticating service is simply requesting authentication from the device together with a challenge. This challenge is used together with the AppId to calculate a HMACed response that is returned - together with a random nonce - to the service. The service is capable of validating if the correct (per service) private key has been used to sign the app id + nonce pair to check identity of the key. The service has to store only the derived and read public key of the device (that’s also an per-service public key).

Since the keys of the U2F tokens are not readable the tokens cannot be copied. Note that these tokens are not suiteable as password replacements. They are used during multi-factor authentication as an additional factor.

Yubikeys are available in different formfactors and different versions (note: all links are Amazon affilate links - that means this pages author profits from qualified purchases):

Using U2F for web authentication (Facebook, Github, etc.)

This is the simplest way to use the yubikey. You only require a decent browser that is capable of supporting webauthn (for example www/chromium or www/firefox), one of the mentioned keys above that support U2F and the security/u2f-devd port or package.

The u2f-devd package contains some rules for different hardware U2F tokens that react on the USB attach event, change the group of the HID device files to u2f and allow the group read and write access to the hid device. At the time of writing the package supports Yubikey, Happlink, Neowave Keydo, HyerSecu Hyper FIDO, Feitian ePass and BioPass, JaCarta U2F, U2F Zero, VASCO SeccureClick, Bluink, Thetis, Nitrokey, Google Titan, Tomu, Chopstx U2F and SoloKeys. All share the same behaviour because all implement the same U2F standard. The package also creates the u2f group if not present before.

After installing the package

pkg install security/u2f-devd

or the port

cd /usr/ports/security/u2f-devd
make install clean

one only has to add all users that should be capable of using the U2F security key to the u2f group. This can be done via

sudo pw groupmod USERNAME -m u2f

This has to be done as root or via sudo or course. If one’s using a different usermanagement system like an LDAP directory the modifications have to be made there. After adding the currently logged in user one has to logout and re-login to have the changes take effect.

After that one just has to have JavaScript enabled on the pages on wants to use the security keys at. As soon as a page requests authentication via a security key the browser may first ask the user if one wants to allow access to security keys. After that the keys normally start blinking and signal that an authentication attempt has been made. One then touches the device and login succeeds.

Using Yubikey with pam_yubico for PAM authentication (local, SSH, etc.)

As above the security/u2f-devd package or port is a requirement.

To use your yubikey for local authentication without using the cloud one requires a Yubikey with firmware revision 2.2 or above. The key also has to support challenge response authentication via HMAC-SHA1 mode - this is not supported by the U2F only keys! (I.e. you should use a YubiKey 5 or higher).

The only requirement of supporting PAM authentication is security/pam_yubico. This package or port can easily be installed

pkg install security/pam_yubico


cd /usr/ports/security/pam_yubico
make install clean

afterwards one should configure the yubikey to perform authentication via CRAM on slot 2. To do that and enable all required mechanisms one can use the ykpersonalize tool:

ykpersonalize -2 -ochal-resp -ochal-hmac -ohmac-lt64 -oserial-api-visible

The flags perform the following actions:

If you get the Yubikey core error: no yubikey present error message you are either not member of the u2f group or don’t own a yubikey that can be used for challenge response authentication.

After that one can store the YubiKeys challenge and expected response in the users local yubico challenge file. This is done using ykpamcfg. The idea is the same as using authorized_keys for SSH authentication using public keys. The pam module will read the challenges from ~/.yubico/ and verifies if the device returns the correct response.

As the user who wants to register it’s own device:

ykpamcfg -2 -v

This automatically stores all necessary information into the users ~/.yubico/ directory.

Then one can add the pam_yubico module to the PAM configurations one wants to use with the hardware keys. To require a hardware token via SSH for example one would edit /etc/pam.d/sshd. Each PAM configuration file consists of four sections:

To require a user to use the yubikey one should add the method as requisite. The different verbs have different properties:

One should add the pam_yubico module above other sufficient modules except they should succeed without a hardware token like kerberos authentication of public key authentication.

auth    requisite   pam_yubico.so   mode=challenge-response

This is sufficient to get challenge-response authentication up and running. Note that of course users have to be members of the u2f group again on the machine that the key will be attached to (not necessary on the machine that one logs into - for example when using via SSH).

If one wants to use the Yubikey as a requisite for SSH when using passwords but allow kerberos authentication without the key a /etc/pam.d/sshd file might look like the following:

auth            sufficient      pam_krb5.so             try_first_pass forwardable debug
auth            requisite       pam_yubico.so           mode=challenge-response
auth            required        pam_unix.so             no_warn try_first_pass

account         required        pam_nologin.so
account         optional        pam_krb5.so
account		required	pam_group		group=wheel
account         required        pam_login_access.so
account         required        pam_unix.so

session         required        pam_permit.so

password        required        pam_unix.so             no_warn try_first_pass

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Data protection policy

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Spielauer, Wien (webcomplains389t48957@tspi.at)

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