How this site is built with Jekyll and Jenkins

01 Mar 2020 - tsp
Last update 14 Jan 2021
Reading time 5 mins


Since a friend asked me about how I’m doing this - this short blogpost will describe how one can deploy a simple webpage (or a simple blog) like this webpage using the Jekyll static site generator as well as the Jenkins continuous integration tool (i.e. how it’s done for this page). Note that this is really one of the fastest and easiest hacks using Jenkins and not a sophisticated build pipeline.

What is Jekyll anyway? Jekyll is a really simple and blog aware static site generator for simple personal blogs, project or organizational sites that has been written in Ruby and is highly modifyable. In it’s most basic version it’s an engine that can parse markup languages like markdown and apply HTML templates, generate indices and handle data files. Jekyll is also the engine used by GitHub pages. Only some of the most basic features will be used during this blog post.

And Jenkins? Jenkins is one of the most popular continuous integration systems. Continuous integraion solutions are normally triggered by an external event (like a commit into a source repository, time or some external build trigger) and execute a whole build pipeline. This pipeline contains instruction on how to build software, how to run various tests and how to run deployments. Continuous integration also allows to keep track about the build process of an application and have some fixed and less error prone testing process than manually executing such stuff. Jenkins is also highly customizable and only rudimentary features of Jenkins will be used in this blog post.

I’m assuming that Jekyll and Jenkins are already up and running.

Automate Jekyll build process

First one should automate the Jekyll build process. I’m currently using a standard GNU Makefile to do the main build process. This is done mainly due to historic reasons of this page - I’ve not used Jenkins from the start on.

My makefile:

all: rebuildtags buildsite deploy

build: rebuildtags buildsite




    jekyll build
    -rm _site/Makefile
    -rm _site/*.sh


    -rsync -av --checksum ./_site/

.PHONY: buildsite deploy rebuildtags build

Note that I’m using only .PHONY targets here since I didn’t want to list any files required and there wasn’t that much gain in reducing the build time by preserving unchanged content. Rsync only uploads changed content anyways.

Using Jenkins to execute the build

As soon as the Makefile really works one can run the build job on a Jenkins machine. I’ve configured an own Jekyll build node but one can of course also run on the Jenkins master itself. I’ve assumed that the SSH key used during upload is present on this machine too.

The Jenkins job I’m using for this page:

I’m currently building using a simple Jenkins Pipeline script:

pipeline {
    agent none
    stages {
        stage('Build Jekyll') {
            agent {
                label 'freebsd && amd64 && jenkins'
            environment {
                OS = 'FREEBSD'
            stages {
                stage('Checkout/Download') {
                    steps {
						sh 'git reset --hard'
                        sh 'git clean -fx'
                        checkout changelog: true, poll: true, scm: [$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption', timeout: 120]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: '', credentialsId : 'JENKINS_GITHUB_SSHCREDENTIAL_ID']]]
                stage('Verify signatures') {
                    steps {
                        sh 'git verify-commit HEAD'
                stage('Tag indexing') {
                    steps {
                        sh 'gmake rebuildtags'
                stage('Jekyll') {
                    steps {
                        sh 'gmake buildsite'
                stage('Tests') {
                    parallel {
                        stage('Validation') {
                            steps {
                                sh 'gmake validate'
							steps {
                            	sh 'gmake linkcheck'
                stage('Deploy') {
                    steps {
                        sh 'gmake deploy'

As one can see I’m using:

One might also decide to include the build pipeline into a Jenkinsfile included directly inside the source repository. This is a really good idea so one also adds versioning to the build pipeline - and is capable of bootstrapping the whole build and deployment process with a single action from the source repository.

This article is tagged: Programming, Web, Shellscript, Jenkins, Jekyll

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Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Spielauer, Wien (

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