11 Jun 2023 - tsp
Last update 11 Jun 2023
6 mins
So it’s very easy to integrate Jenkins with your GitHub
repository by simply using the GitHub
plugin of Jenkins. This provides a webhook
and automatically registers it with a remote repository after providing an authentication
token to GitHub. But when one hosts ones own source code source repository on an on
premises system using git and builds software using Jenkins triggering a Jenkins
job requires a little bit more work. This very short blog article shows one of many ways
of solving that problem by using an post-receive
hook on the server side repository
as well as an build trigger via https
The Jenkins side requires:
To create a new user go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Users > Create User
. To
add an API token edit a user via Manage Jenkins > Manage Users > [select a user] > Settings > API-Token
Note that this API token can be used to trigger any actions the user is
authenticated for. This API token has to be stored - it won’t be shown by
Jenkins any time in future after leaving that dialog. This token can then be
used instead of the password to authenticate with Jenkins when doing API calls.
To create and add the SSH credentials to Jenkins first create them using ssh-keygen
in case you don’t already have some:
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/usr/home/sampleuser/.ssh/id_rsa): /usr/home/sampleuser/.ssh/id_jenkinsgit
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /usr/home/sampleuser/.ssh/id_jenkinsgit.
Your public key has been saved in /usr/home/sampleuser/.ssh/id_jenkinsgit.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:WQHxR3YPWqPwOuXX3r4Ri7RKfVo9e+wojaKvfKr5a1U sampleuser@samplehost.example.com
The key's randomart image is:
+---[RSA 2048]----+
| ooo o = |
| . * = + |
| o * .|
| o =E . |
| S o......|
| ..o.o.=|
| . . * B+|
| o. + + =o*|
| o+BB.o o.+=|
Now add the public key from id_jenkinsgit.pub
into your .ssh/authorized_keys
on the repository server (see below). The private key has to be added to Jenkins
credential store. Go to Manage Jenkins > Manage Credentials
and select
the credentials store under Stores scoped to Jenkins
. Select the security
domain and select Add Credentials
. There use the SSH username and private key
type. The ID
can be left out, the description is arbitrary. Enter your username
and upload the content of the id_jenkinsgit
file into the entry box after
selecting Enter directly
. In case you’ve added a passphrase during creation
of the key also enter the passphrase. Store the key and take a note of it’s key ID.
This will be required later on.
Then configure the pipeline of the given job. There the checkout
line could
look like the following:
checkout changelog: true, poll: true, scm: [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: '*/master']],
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
extensions: [[$class: 'WipeWorkspace']],
submoduleCfg: [],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'sampleuser@', credentialsId: '273096b7-0cba-4a8e-adda-21a8378ea79f' ]]
As one can see this project has configured to wipe it’s workspace every time due to
some project specific reasons. In addition the userRemoteConfigs
the SSH username, the hostname or IP as well as the path on the servers
filesystem. The credentialsId
refers to the SSH private key ID in Jenkins
keystore that should be used to authenticate against the repository.
As a last step go to Build triggers
and tick Trigger builds remotely
There also take a note about the URI - that also contains the job name.
In case you have hostkey verification enabled (which is a good idea) add the
SSH host key of the remote system to the known_hosts
of the machine that
will do the git
access - i.e. the Jenkins host or some of it’s slaves.
The easiest way is to just execute a simple ssh connection using Jenkins user
to the repository - this will also verify networking is setup correctly and
everything works out as expected. One can of course also manually add the public
key of the host to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts
on the Jenkins machine.
Now on to the repository side. This can be any machine that you have SSH access
to. First lets add the public SSH key to the local authorized_keys
file. Usually
this is located at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
. It’s a good idea to try to
log into the machine using your generated key manually to rule out some problems
later on.
Then just generate a directory where you want to host your git repository - for
this example the decision fell onto /usr/home/sampleuser/git/reponame
$ mkdir -p /usr/home/sampleuser/git/reponame```
Then initialize a bare repository:
$ cd /usr/home/sampleuser/git/reponame
$ git init --bare
Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/home/sampleuser/git/reponame
Now one will have to create one’s post-receive
commit hook. This is
located under hooks/post-receive
inside the repository directory. The most
simple hook is just a shell script executing a curl
to trigger the build:
curl -X POST "https://sampleuser:APITOKEN@JENKINSHOSTORIP/job/JOBNAME/build"
exit 0
That’s it. Mark that file executable (for example chmod 750 post-receive
Now one can move on the client and use that remote repository.
This is the simplest part and works just like for any other remote.
git remote add origin sampleuser@
From this moment on one can directly push and pull to and from the repository. Each push will trigger the build using this simple script. In case one wants to provide filtering the script received on it’s standard input 3 values:
One can write any shell script - or even a Python script - that filters by
this reference before triggering the build.This article is tagged: Basics, System administration, Jenkins
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Spielauer, Wien (webcomplains389t48957@tspi.at)
This webpage is also available via TOR at http://rh6v563nt2dnxd5h2vhhqkudmyvjaevgiv77c62xflas52d5omtkxuid.onion/